Learning to Live With Grace, Raleigh Family Photography

Living with grace is what you learn when you share a room with your sisters.  Growing up I always shared a room.  We pulled hair and covers, but we also played games, pretended we were mermaids and had legs-in-the-air contests long past lights out.  At times I was the boss – oldest in the room letting my baby sister know which drawers were hers.  And sometimes I was the little sister, and boy did I know it!  So what did sharing a room teach me that I hope it teaches my daughters?  Where to start…

That we share.  That the value of things should never be put before the value of another’s feelings.  That we compromise.  Not everything will go your way every time.  Sometimes you have to step back and let another lead.  Friendship.  That companionship is priceless, and you should never take for granted the people that surround you.  Forgiveness.  You will feel on top of one another some days.  Some days you will be the cause of the chaos and some days you will be the victim.  Forgiveness will always be the answer, no matter what.  And lastly, although I know they will fight and will feel like they never have a moment to themselves,  that they will look back one day and realize how lucky they were to grow up so closely together.  And hopefully woven into their daily phone calls to one another they will laugh about the long nights and crazy days in the lavender bedroom.
